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Dedicated to facilitating the discovery and expression of Your unique inner spark.

Joan Ramstedt, CLC, PCC

Professional Certified Coach (ICF), Certified Life Coach

Founder of Empowered Transitions 


Below is a chronicle of my career which has taken many shapes and forms over the past 35 years; each connecting to and supporting the next stage of  professional  development (and at times personal evolution) ; making me ever so aware of the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual elements of transitions.

My Beginning - Not for Profit 

1976 - 1980

Upon graduation from college I found myself  working with the economically disadvantaged facilitating their career transitions to meaningful work that pulled their lives from economic uncertainty. The Vietnam war was  ending and I found many of my students were our country's newest citizens. Manufacturing and High Technology was flourishing and with education and training, many slipped easily into new and sustainable professions. I loved being the link between their education and industries needs. Hard work, education and resilience made a difference and shaped lives for many. I also reflected upon my Swedish heritage and Grandparents that came through Ellis Island with a name tag and little else from which to start their new lives. What courage it takes to enter a new culture as non english speaking immigrants. It caused me to pause.



Corporate  Human Resources  1980 - 1984

Recruited to a join a corporate Human Resources team  was the next logical career move and a paradigm shift I fully embraced. Multiple opportunities to build a strong foundation in business challenged me to learn about engineering, product development,  manufacturing, sales and marketing in the high tech space during a time when  industry was booming in Southern California.  Exceptional mentors gave me the grounding, experience and fundamentals in the Human Resources field and offered wonderful opportunities to learn and grow. 


Lesson 1. Just when you get comfortable things change.                  

Laid off when company merged. What appeared as a loss offered the richest and most fertile grounds from which to build my next life chapter.  The best is yet to come!


HR Consulting & Entrepreneurship  


30 years serving entrepreneurs, high achieving women and creative professionals.


The loss of my "safe" corporate position introduced what was one of the most interesting and creative times of my career leading to a future in consulting with emerging growth companies primarily in STEM. I was gifted the opportunity to learn about the entrepreneurial "mindset" during significant times of change and growth. It called me to intuitively understand how lonely it can be "at the top" and how important it is to have trusted advisers and a creative container where leaders can think about unique approaches to solving business challenges. 

This incredibly fulfilling  work not only challenged my ability to be agile and productive within tight and defined time frames, but offered outstanding opportunities to work with bright, educated and creative minds engaged in the innovation and developmental processes.

Working side by side with leaders and teams designing innovative products and services; learning how to compete in fluctuating markets, positioning for IPO's, acquisitions, mergers, (and sometimes going out of business);  were all valuable experiences for understanding what would eventually lead to a powerful business model that hit the market just perfectly. (We don't always get that) This resulted in the creation process of a fun and and very relevant boutique consulting firm during the dynamic growth period of the 90's through post 9/11. 

I along with a partner team, created  a thriving consulting business starting in 1992 which fueled my creativity and gave me a purpose; to help companies build organizations that brought innovative products to market. It was an exciting time. Clients like Broadcom, Western Digital, ICL, Phoenix Technologies, Archive, Ethentica, Entrega, Ingram Micro,  are on n my client list and I love the challenge and energy of each experience.


This time also presented many personal  beginnings and endings. 

I married; became a parent;  divorced;  became a single parent; became an entrepreneur;  remarried; purchased a home; moved into a new area;  embraced the sandwich generation; re-invented my career to include professional coaching and leadership development;   and subsequently dedicated my life to supporting men and women who choose to walk through painful and illuminating moments. 

Rule 2. "Change is the constant in life"  


Master Coach and Evangelist for Personal Empowerment and Powerful Transitions


In 2001,  I experienced a professional "calling", to formally study the art of coaching and integrate this process into my corporate and individual client relationships. Coaching in the early part of 2000 was still an emerging profession. I love the experience of being able to express my entrepreneurial spirit and integrate all the skills, abilities, and talents I developed over the previous 20 years. I love to see a client light up when they experience their "spark" and power for what is possibly the first time.  That experience fues passion in my life. The creativity and magic of the coaching container is so much fun and a truly joy filled experience that I love to share with others. 


Being a coach to individuals or organizations who are learning  about themselves, struggling to make powerful and lasting changes; realizing and embracing their inner spark; and building a powerful new future carries the seeds of great honor and trust.


The honor of being invited into the most intimate spaces of an individual's life to celebrate their most magnificent days and to hold a tender space on days when vulnerability, self doubt and uncertainty dominate (all elements of the change process)  is one that I hold as a sacred trust. It is an incredible journey. To help others see life as a series of endless possibilities at times when all they've known is "one way" is possibly the most creative, powerful and fulfilling work I can imagine doing for in this world.  It is truly pebble in the pond work with implications so far reaching I have yet to know how each individual positive transformation impacts the world.   


It is my personal responsibility to myself and others to continue to do "my work"; by evolving; learning; teaching and writing about new ideas; being part of cutting edge research on change and transformation and re-inventing as needed is my commitment to myself, to my clients, the community and the world.

Two Flamingos

  All Paths       Lead Somewhere


After hiring Joan as a recruiter for 2 previous companies, I have engaged her services in career coaching at Empowered Transitions. She has been instrumental in challenging me to look deeper into what my career should look like moving forward. She is a VERY intuitive and insightful leader with a keen sense of spirituality. I would recommend anyone that is going through transition or life change to contact Joan.

Eric Seedman, CEO


For the past 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: 'If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?' And whenever the answer has been 'No' for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something.


Steve Jobs


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